About Press
Press- Save the Children Youth Norway is the only youth organization in Norway working exclusively with children’s rights. We are an organization for all youth between the ages of 13 and 25, and we are a religiously and politically independent organization. We base all of our work on the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Press was established by the Norwegian Save the Children in 1995, with the belief that all children should have their essential rights fulfilled, while also being able to fully participate in society. Press was initially started as a project by Save the Children. The project was a success, and Press was later established as its own organization and separated from Save the Children in the year 2000.

Why join Press?
We believe that children and young people are the best experts on being young today. We therefore have a unique voice in all matters regarding children’s rights, and we demand that our voices be heard!
We believe that in order to claim our rights, we have to be aware of them. It’s therefore important to us that our members get proper information and the right training at our events. Each year we host regional events, a summer camp, a fall seminar, and other national weekend events. As a member of Press you will have the opportunity to join in on all of our activities, where you can expand your knowledge on children’s rights and meet other engaged youths from all over the country!
What do we do?
Press works against the structural causes of violations of children’s rights, so our focus is how we as youths can change larger systems, so that as many children as possible can have a better life. Some of Press’ focus areas include asylum rights for refugee children and youth, mental health, media and marketing regulations, democracy and participation, and accessibility for young people with limited abilities. Press is a queer-feminist, LGBTQ+ inclusive, and anti-racist organization.
We are working to spread awareness and information on children’s rights, arranging demonstrations when children’s rights are violated, and having conversations with politicians locally, at parliament, and in the government.
For us, it is absolutely necessary to have a functioning democracy. We believe that our members know best which issues we have to work on and how they should be prioritized. All members are therefore welcome to participate in the decision-making processes in Press.
Press is organized into local groups, as well as a central and national board. To find your nearest local group, send an e-mail to medlem@press.no
Want to learn more?

Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!